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Committees and work groups

The Committees and Work Groups are the main ways for associates to be involved in the work of the CSC. In the Committees there is a constant exchange of information and knowledge, and collective positions are agreed on in relation to the various areas of activity covered.

CSC represents the Consortium's interests, and transmits these positions to the bodies who make decisions on health, social and labour policies  


Acute Care Subcommittee

The objective of this subcommittee is to provide support to social workers active in acute care hospitals.

The committee meets every two months and is composed of social workers from acute care facilities in Catalonia.

The coordinator is Noemí Pou, Community Health Worker in the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme.

Care Management Committee

This committee grew out of a former subcommittee composed of medical managers when a need was identified for our associates to adapt to new management realities and to be able to engage different types of management profile such as cross-disciplinary clinical process managers and nursing managers.

It has the following aims: to maintain the presence and uphold the wishes of care managers in decision-making bodies, to be an interlocutor with public administration and to open up new lines of participation.

The Committee meets every two months and is composed of those in charge of care management, medical management and/or nursing with CSC providers.

The coordinator is Dra. Cristina Carod, Badalona Serveis Assistencials (BSA) Care Manager.

Committee for Qualitative Health Research

This commission was created to respond to support requirements of professionals and research groups associated centers of CSC that use or are interested in using qualitative research methods in the analysis of health and health services.

The objectives of the commission are:

  • Support and promote exchanges between associated research groups associated using or interested in using qualitative research methods;
  • Promote discussion and learning about qualitative research methodology by analyzing protocols and projects developed or under development by the members of the commission or its institutions;
  • Contribute to the development of researchers delving into the theory of qualitative research and identifying new ways to respond to the training needs of the group;
  • Promote the development of partnerships for joint studies with the participation of professionals and researchers from the partner institutions;
  • Promote synergies between the group members in fundraising research and dissemination of the results of the projects.

The committee meets every two months and is composed of researchers, professionals and those in charge of research in health centres in Catalonia.

The coordinator is Constanza Vásquez, research assistant of the Research Service of CSC.

Economic and Finance Committee

The Commission was created in 2014 to the requests of various partners, to address the issues that are of interest both from the economic point of view and from the point of view of legal and regulatory that affect them.

When the Commission meets technical economic issues are considered of interest to present, share and discuss with all those responsible for economic and financial associates.

The coordinator is Ms. Victoria Rovira, director of the Foundation Financial Management Healthcare Hospital de Sant Pau.

Economic Technical Committee

This Committee was established in April 2010. It is conceived as a committee of experts made up of economists various associates who perform studies and analyzes of interest to members in the area Financial.

The coordinator is Ms. Victoria Rovira, financial director of the Fundación de Gestión Sanitaria Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.

General Services Committee

This committee was created in order to meet the need of those responsible for general services in CSC associate bodies for a space for debate and reflection and to seek and find solutions to problems they have in common. Its objectives include seeking opportunities for collaboration with the public administration and associated bodies, promoting exchanges of experiences amongst associates, and adopting joint positions with regard to common concerns. 

The committee meets every two months and is composed of those responsible for general services in the CSC associate centres.

The coordinator is Mr. Jaume Castellano, director of services of the Consorci Hospitalari Vic.

Grup Promotor RS-CSC

El Grup Promotor de Responsabilitat Social del CSC està impulsat i coordinat per la responsable de RS del CSC, Marta Moles, i format per entitats associades al CSC:

  • Elisabet Asensio, coordinadora d'RSC de Badalona Serveis Assistencials
  • Cristina Iniesta, adjunta a gerència del Parc de Salut Mar
  • Maria Mateu, cap d'RSC de l'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
  • Anna Fuster Muñoz, tècnica de Medi Ambient del Servei de Prevenció i Medi Ambient mancomunat - Responsabilitat Social del CHV
  • Marcel Esteve, procés de participació-atenció al ciutadà del Consorci Sanitari Integral
  • Clara Finazzi, cap de la unitat d'RSC de la Diputació de Barcelona
  • Anna Rodríguez Cala, direcció d'estartègia i RSC a l'Institut Català d'Oncologia

Heads of Pharmacy Committee

The Commission of Pharmacy Managers, made up of pharmaceuticals from health centers (hospitals, social welfare and Primary Care) and institutions associated to the CSC. Its role is to establish a shared framework of action and consensus in the different fields of drug policy and the efficiency and sustainability in the management of the pharmaceutical service.

The coordinator is Dr. Antoni Gilabert, director of the Department of Pharmacy and Medicines of the CSC, with the support of the members of the Executive Commission of Pharmacy.

Intermediate Care Committee

The Intermediate Care Committee was created when a need was identified for associates to play a greater role in community care. The Committee's remit is the integration of intermediate care within the health and social facilities network.

The Committee meets every two months and is composed of those responsible for community care in CSC associate centres.

The coordinator is Benito Fontecha, Head of Geriatrics of Consorci Sanitari Integral

Pharmaceutical Committee

The Pharmacy Executive Committee consists of a small group of people designated by the Commission of Pharmacy Managers in order to manage those issues related to Pharmacy and Medication in an agile manner and without having to summon the plenary of the commission. The Executive Committee also counts on the advice of the persons responsible for other CSC commissions: Primary Care, Mental Health, Intermediate Care and Health Management.

The coordinators are Dr. Antoni Gilabert, director of the Department of Pharmacy and Medicines of the CSC, and Dr. Josep M. Guiu, Head of Pharmacotherapeutic Planning and Coordination of the CSC's Pharmacy and Medication Department.

Pharmacy and Drug Advisory Commission

The Pharmacy and Drug Advisory Commission is responsible for advising and proposing the main lines of the CSC's medication policy and its translation to the sector. It is made up of pharmacists, managers, healthcare managers, people in charge of mental health, intermediate care, information and economic-financial systems.

The coordinators are the Dra. Cristina Roure, head of the Pharmacy service of the Terrassa Health Consortium (CST); the Dr. Xavier Pérez, Assistant Director of Comprehensive Health Services of the Baix Empordà (SSIBE) and Dr. Antoni Gilabert, director of the Department of Pharmacy and Medicines of the CSC.

Primary Health Care Committee

The Primary Health Care Committee is a joint committee with La Unió which aims to create strategies which will make an impact on Catalan primary health care and provide an alternative voice to that of the majority ICS. It also aims to disseminate all information of interest to the sector focusing on primary care, to encourage the participation of management teams and professionals in the different work groups, and to create possibilities for joint training amongst its members. 

The committee meets every two months and is composed of those in charge of primary care in the CSC and La Unió associate centres.

The coordinator is Sònia Pérez, chief of Primary Care service in Badalona Serveis Assistencials.

Psychiatry and Mental Health Committee

This committee aims to strengthen the role of mental health in our health system. In recent years the committee has given priority to consolidating a paradigm proposed by the committee itself. According to this paradigm, territories should create the care resources on all the different levels necessary to provide a comprehensive and integrated range of care. Further campaigns related to mental health have also been promoted. 

The committee meets every two months and is composed of those in charge of psychiatry and mental health in CSC associate centres.

The coordinator is Diego J Palao, Director of Mental Health in the Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí

Social Care Committee

The Social Care Committee was created to meet the needs of a number of associates working in Social Care.

The Social Care committee is composed of those responsible for Social Care amongst CSC providers. The committee meets every two months together with the CSC Social Care Management Committee.

The coordinator is Manel Valls, Manager of Sant Andreu Salut.

Subcommittee for Community Health

This work group was created more than 10 years ago to support professionals providing community health services. The aim of the committee is to foment knowledge and involvement in the different centres and also to create a context for training, debate and reflection on matters considered by participants to be valuable.

The committee meets every two months and is composed of social workers from community health centres in Catalonia.

The coordinator is Elisabeth Alsina, coordinator of social worker in Sant Andreu Salut.

Permanent work groups

Care Integration Evaluation Group (GAIA)

The GAIA is a working group that brings together organizations that collaborate with the Dept of CSC in the development of applied research in healthcare integration in the Catalan health system. The main objectives are to develop tools for measuring the integration of care, evaluate healthcare integration in different environments Catalonia from different perspectives and methodological approaches, and finally propose recommendations and strategies to improve the integration of care in the region.

The group is led by CSC's Research Department and involved members of the Serveis de Salut Integrats Baix Empordà, Badalona Serveis Assistencials, Grup SAGESSA, Parc de Salut Mar, ICS, PAMEM, Fundació Salut Empordà, Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa and Consorci Hospitalari de Vic. The GAIA is a group open to participation of associates interested in the analysis of healthcare integration.

e-cap Work Group

This group was created to meet the need of associates who use the e-cap app developed by the ICS. The aim of the group is to provide a meeting point to discuss and agree on the functions required in the application and raise these points in discussions at the e-cap development group in which CSC participates.

The coordinator is Mario Rabasseda, Head of IT systems in CSC.

Heads of Communication Work Group

This work group was created in 2011. Its aim is to provide a forum for Heads of Communication in the associates' health and/or social centres to exchange knowledge and experience. Ideas are shared about common problems which occur in all the centres: these include the need for communication plans in internal communication, confidentiality protocols, dealings with the media, training of spokespeople, the use of tools such as websites, intranet and social media, etc.

The group meets three times a year and is composed of Heads of Communication from CSC associate centres.

The coordinator is Sergi Estudillo, Head of Communication for CSC.

Occasional work groups

  • Advanced Competence in Nursing Work Group (2 groups)
  • CatSalut Variable Part Objectives Work Group
  • DMA MHDA Work Group
  • DMA Prescriptions Work Group
  • Peritoneal Dialysis Work Group
  • Person-centred Care Work Group
  • Work Group on Invoicing to Third Parties
  • Work Group on Payment Systems (4 groups)
  • Work Group on Sub-Acute care