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Activities and diary

EHPPA's Study Trip

Starting date:
Wednesday, 23 November 10:30
End date:
Wednesday, 23 November 18:00
Seu del CSC (Av. Tibidabo, 21)


Part I at CSC headquarters

  • 10.30h-10.40h. Welcome
  • 10.40h-11.00h. Innovation in Procurement. Ramon Maspons, Chief of Innovation at Health Department in Catalonia
  • 11.00h-11.15h. Coffee break
  • 11.15h-13.00h. Discussing session around the 4 main challenges: 1) supply chain; 2) prices and costs control; 3) sustainability issues, and 4) value of innovation and how to engage procurement in hospitals. Each participant will have 5 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion. Participants: Danny Havenith, MERCURHOSP (Belgium); Kevin Overgoor, UMC (The Netherlands); Louis Pottel, RESAH (France), and Toni Gilabert, CSC (Spain)
  • 13.00h-14.00h. Lunch at CSC headquarters

Part II at Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona                       

  • 15.00h-16.00h. Sant Pau Moderniste Site (guided visit)
  • 16.00h-18.00h. "Public Procurement Innovation (PPI) real experiences:  innovation as a solution to real problems" From these points of view:
    • *Strategic Vision. Montserrat Vintró, Economic and Finance Director
    • *Organization Vision. Ana Munarriz manager of Purchase & Logistics, and Mireia Barroso, manager of Procurement  
    • *Innovation through Procurement. Caterina Sampol, manager of Innovation and Value Based Medicine