Constanza Vásquez Vera
932531820 ext. 21285
Psicòloga, Doctorat en Salut Pública
Àrees d'especialitat
Polítiques públiques, epidemiologia social, anàlisi qualitatiu, interseccionalitat
2020-2024 - Doctorado en biomedicina, salut pública i educació en ciències de la salut. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
2018-2020 - Màster en salut pública. Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Tesina de final de màster.
Títol: "Etapas tempranas de inseguridad residencial: efectos en la salud de personas inquilinas de Barcelona"
2011-2015 - Psicología. Universidad de Chile (Chile)
Reyes A, Macaya I, Borrell C, Pedro J, Fernández A, Vásquez-Vera C, Pérez K, Carrere J, Daví L, Novoa A. Cooperative housing under a grant-of-use in Catalonia and health: pre-post analysis. BMC Public Health. 2024;24
Vásquez-Vera C, Fernández A, Borrell C. Effects of life-work balance on health, according to gender, housing insecurity, and social class: an intersectional study. Discov Soc Sci Health. 2024;4:18
Vásquez-Vera C, Fernández A, Sánchez-Ledesma E, Bennet M, Borrell C. Gender-based differences in the meanings and uses of housing for health and everyday life: An intersectional approach. Women's Studies International Forum. 2023;99
Vásquez-Vera C, Fernández A, Borrell C. Gender-based inequalities in the effects of housing on health: A critical review. SSM-Population health. 2022;17
Vásquez-Vera C, Carrere J, Borrell C, Vásquez-Vera H. Neglected housing insecurity and its relationship with renters health: the case of Barcelona, Spain. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2022;36:3